About Us

We are a team of interior architects with many years of experience. Founded by Elisa and Rosa our gallery and office space is based on Eden Grove, Islington. We have designed many interiors for a variety of functions, most recently we have been involved in interior conversions however our main area of expertise lies in hotel design.
InEx is an interior architecture practice specialising in hotel design. They have most recently been involved in projects that change the function of the spaces. That includes changing the old spaces into hotels. Lately Elisa and Rosa have been focusing on colours and lighting design. One of the practices priorities lies in preserving characteristics of the existing buildings or spaces. They try to incorporate previous design elements of the space in their own designs instead of demolishing them.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

CDM/Building Control

“Asbestos. Mineral (actually impure hydrous magnesium silicate) of fibrous texture, capable of being woven or compressed into an incombustible fabric or sheet. By the second half of the C19 fire-resistant fabrics made of asbestos were being made, and later, by the first decade of C20, the material, combined with cement, was used to make asbestos cement moulded into pipes, sheets and insulating material. corrugated asbestos cement sheets were in widespread use from the 1914-18 war, and asbestos-cement pipes were being manufactured in large quantities from the 1920’s. Unfortunately, asbestos causes asbestosis (a lung disease caused by inhaling dust from the mineral) and mesothelioma (malignant tumour in the lining of the chest or abdomen), causing massive problems, as the material was widely used in buildings after 1945. It has been superseded by other materials, notably GRC (glass-reinforced concrete).”

Considering the age of the building (Eden Grove site), there is a high risk of asbestos. This should be taken into consideration when demolishing structures for the safety of anyone using the building at that time.

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